boredom blog

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Break is Over. Waaah.

See the lady to the left? That was me last night. Why? Because I had to go back to work today. As frequent readers of this blog can probably guess, I don't like work. I sit here all day and am bored, hence boredom blogger. Guess what I wasn't during break? Bored. I wish I had had time for boredome over break, but I was always doing things. Here are some highlights, or, lowlights. For instance, the woman to the left only resembles me somewhat as my hair is now brown. For a long time, I had been against coloring my hair. Then, one day a few years ago, perhaps out of boredom, I decided, why the heck not? Over the years I became blonder and blonder, but the blond just wasn't working for me anymore. I'm ok with having brown hair. I can be a brunette. In fact, I think it makes me look more grown up, not to mention the cost savings. So, there was that.
Also, I learned how to play poker. 5-card stud. I quite like poker, although calling a straight a "run" is inappropriate. I have yet to get the lingo down.
I saw Dreamgirls. Not on Christmas/opening night as scheduled, but I did see it. In a continuation from one of my last posts, I hate Beyonce, or as I will now refer to her, Beyotche. Jennifer Hudson and the rest of the cast were great, but it was like Beyotche was doing an impression of herself doing a Diana Ross impersonation. I know the role is based on her, but geez-o, how about bringing a little imagination to the role.
I cleaned out the medicine cabinet. Needed to be done. Got rid of the milldew in the bathroom, dirt on the living room floor.
Although I've determined that I need to be more active this year, this leading the finace to proclaim this year as "2007, The Year of Activity," next year I'm going to take two weeks off. To reward myself for all the activity during the other 50 weeks.


At 1:53 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

you spelled 'boredome' incorrectly.

At 8:19 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

'quote anonymous' - you incorrectly used the verb 'spelled'. it should have been 'spelt'.

At 5:12 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good post.


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