boredom blog

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Here's something that's not boring. . .

Hockey, fascinatingly. Even when it's a terrible team with a losing record. Even when the team is trading their "good" players. Even when it's a Monday night and you didn't really want to go in the first place. Maybe it's exciting because the players skate quickly and fight often. Maybe it's exciting because numerous beers were consumed. Overtime is fun and a shoot out is even more fun. Especially when the home team wins!

Monday, January 30, 2006

And the thing is. . .

It's not that I don't have work to do. It's just boring. It don't like doing it. I would much rather surf the web for celebrity gossip and reviews and reactions to television shows and movies. If anyone knows someone who would pay me to do this, please feel free to pass my name along.

I admit, I am part of the core of democracy leaving America! This bit of information, which I was already pretty clued into, was confirmed for me at a conference last week in a seminar entitled "Media Relations in a New World."

Thank goodness for 1) my dad who a) subscribes to time magazine b) will watch Jim Lehrer and c) 60 minutes while I'm in his presence and 2) for being bored at work and getting so bored of celebrity gossip that I actually read the news!

Rest assured, although I may not be aware of all current events - I still vote democratic.

The purpose of this blog

The purpose of this blog is to entertain me. There may have been a slight motivation by b/f so that I stop calling him five times a day at work. For some reason he doesn't like that.