boredom blog

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

As Promised

My book report. First - background. Sometimes there are clean days (showering in the am is acceptible) and sometimes there are dirty days (when you may as well wait to shower late in the day since you'll be cleaning, etc). I thought Saturday was going to be a clean day, so I showered in the morning. Really no day when it's 90 degrees is a clean day, but that aside. The bf decided it was going to be a dirty afternoon, so he gardened. Fortunately, we went to a bookfair about a month back and had never removed the purchased books from his trunk. So we have somewhat of a roving bookshelf. Hence, I began reading Prep, by Curtis Sittenfeld on Saturday and finished it last night (Tuesday). Needless to say it was a quick read.
And now an analog: Prep is to High School as I am Charlotte Simmons (by Tom Wolfe) is to College. Both of these books tell the story of young girls who despite their geographically undesirable upbringings (Prep's protagonist, Lee, is from South Bend, Indiana and Charlotte hails from West Virginia) are away from their families and try to fit in at East Coast academic institutions.There are some other differences in these works. Prep is a first person narrative while Charlotte is third person. Prep comes across as sincere, while Charlottee seems to be an ironic view of the multi-cultured sects of the college campus. Prep takes place over four years, while Charlotte's story is over the course of one. Also, Lee has a fairly normal view of sex, while sex is shameful and dirty to Charlotte. Both of these characters ilicit sympathy from the reader, however, most readers will probably be able to relate to Lee more.
One aspect of Prep that struck me as strange was that at certain times Lee would tell us how her older self viewed the actions of her younger self. But, these observations were interspersed at various times and not consistent throughout the novel. Also, she tells us what all the characters "grow up to be" except for her. Are we to imagine her future?
Despite these flaws (at least they're flaws to me), I suspect that the average female reader would probably enjoy reading Prep and be able to recognize themselves at least somewhat in Lee's struggles to figure out her place in her family, her school, with her friends, and with the boys. If there are any men still reading this post, my advice would be don't event think about picking up this book and go back to playing your videogame/watching baseball.
If you've read either of these books, or have any other recommendations, feel free to share. Look forward to my Cryptonomicon review in approximately 6 months.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

For Those Who Are Bored

And think that there is nothing left to look at on the internet, let me offer two suggestions:

1) (merchandise coming soon - you don't want to be the only one on your block NOT to own a doctor awesome t-shirt.) This site allows you to rank 5 things in terms of awesomeness on a daily basis. Then you get to see where you compare to others in this world as to what you think is awesome. Docaweome also has a fun wikipdedia to which YOU can add. Here's a sample entry:


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In its traditional loose form, it is cereal, and if it is so classified, it may be eaten at a reasonably neutral awesomeness level. In the same form if it is deemed to be Granola, or "Tasty Granola" (which it is not) or even the far more offensive "Yummy Granola" (which is equivalent to a Cuddly Eye-Poke) then a rip in the space-time continuum is opened, into which all awesomeness escapes.

The addition of sweets and goodies and bar-forming creates a candy bar for the self-deluding.

Could also be used to describe the man who sold me a rose bush on Saturday. A self-proclaimed horticulturist, or dirty hippie, he could also be descriped as "Granola."

2) Check out my favorite St. Louis photographer. Her pictures are now available for digital viewing.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Full Circle

In one of my early posts I refered to watching the Lehrer Report with my Dad. My dad came over last night. Turned the tv to the Lehrer Report. What were they reporting on? American Idol. Does this make me smarter or them more stuipd?

Monday, May 15, 2006

Finally Finales

May sweeps. Finally! The chains holding me to the tv will be broken until Sept. It's kinda a relief, which makes me wonder why I even watch these shows in the first place. That is another questions for another time. After this week full attention will be turned to Kitchen Confidential and then (finally, and only because I promised, Cryptinomicon) at which point all three of you readers can look forward to my book reports, but, until then, let's recap.

The Office - I love this show. I love Jim and Pam, and not only because some people think I look like her (which I don't). I think the main reason I think the Office is so hi-larious is because the issues they deal with are issues that everyone who works a nine-to-five can relate to. Disagreements over temperature control? Check. Forced "family" fun for bosses birthdays? Check. Working with just-plain crazy people? Check. With that in mind, I think this show has become to character and plot driven as opposed to more of a satire of an office enviroment. This show did not need a "Ross-Rachel" relationship. It was funny as it was. When I want to cry, I watch ER. The Office is for laughs.

Grey's Anatomy - The season finale is tonight, so I will just comment on the pre-finale finale for now. I think my bf summed it up quite well by saying "I cannot listen to the hysterical wailing girl on the tv." I think it's interesting that the season finale of ER and Grey's Anatomy both include people getting shot at a hospital. Is this all we can come up with Shondra Rhimes? Come on now. Where's the originality? The creativity? Moreover, I do not believe Dr. Bailey would not have checked on Denny/Izzie given her previous suspiscions about their relationship, even with a room full of people who had been shot. Too much suspension of disbelief. And, finally, this show is starting to remind of when Dawson's Creek (not that I watched it) concentrated on Pacey and Joey and started ignoring Dawson, the title character. The name of the show in question is Grey's Anatomy, not Izzie's Anatomy. To which I say about her relationship with Denny - who cares??

Sopranos - two more eps till the season finale. Dude, how boring can a show get? Something happen already!

At least the Monday night Grey's anatomy will mean I won't be watching Wife Swap tonight. A silver lining for sure.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

I Am Not a Winner

About two months ago, I took an online test to be considered as a candidate for Jeopardy. As in "This is Jeopardy!" hosted by Alex Trebek. Fortunately, one of the questions dealt with McDreamy and Grey's Anatomy. Unfortunately, there were questions about Russian czars and the make-up of the moon. My quiz puts me in the pot for a year. If I don't get called, I'll be taking that test again in 365 days. I'm so sure if I got on Jeopardy and the planets aligned themselves to present categories such as "women writers", "Britney Spears songs" or "St. Louis Landmarks" I would rule! I've even known the answers to some Final Jeopardy questions lately. So, let's hope they pick me.

Let's also hope Fox 2 picks me for their American Idol viewing party tomorrow night! How fun would it be to gather a bunch of American Idol fans and get to be on tv. I know my friends and family would be up for it. Hope to see you soon Randi Naughton!

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Let's Give Them Something to Blog About

For some reason, art shows tend to spring up around April. I’ve already been to two in the past two weeks and I’m sure there’s more in store. At the art show I attended Saturday night, one exhibit stood out – literally. A man stood under hot lights naked. Well, sort of naked. He was covered in red latex and wearing a white mask. This was not passive art, though, but active art. He black paint by his foot and Sharpie’s in his hands. The goal was to write on him. For example someone wrote “Come On In à” on his left butt cheek. Not willing to simply observe the fun, I grabbed a Sharpie and went to it. “woot ß” I wrote on his right thigh. I contributed to art. Unfortunately, there is no pictorial evidence of my inscription because 1) I left my phone (with camera) at home and 2) my sister is a prude (so there your second shout out).

On to our favorite topic. American Idol. Four left, which means only a month to go, which means we’re in the home stretch. Then we can prepare for Big Brother’s All Star season which will fill the Reality TV brain space for the summer. Yeah! But, until there – some advice for our finalists. Katherine – stay away from Phil Collins! Forever! Actually, let’s just make that a rule for every AI contestant to grace the stage from now until the show’s demise (which will probably have something to do with Paula’s O.D). And also, keep your clothes on. So, to sum up – Phil Collins = bad, clothes = good! Taylor – no one wants to see you dance the cockroach or wearing shits from Bill Cosby’s closet. I think he’ll probably do fine with Elvis week. Just stand there and sing some soulful shit. Elliot – I will repeat – just stand there and sing some soulful shit. Also, why does he have to wear thick ties when Seacrest gets skinny ties? Just wondering. And finally, Chris. Stop screaming. And, probably stay away from the eyeliner. And, maybe once let us see you try to get down with your funky self. I’m sure it won’t happen, but wouldn’t it be fun to see?

Thursday’s half over, which means 1.5 more days till mint julep drinking. My money’s on Lawyer Ron.