boredom blog

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Let's Give Them Something to Blog About

For some reason, art shows tend to spring up around April. I’ve already been to two in the past two weeks and I’m sure there’s more in store. At the art show I attended Saturday night, one exhibit stood out – literally. A man stood under hot lights naked. Well, sort of naked. He was covered in red latex and wearing a white mask. This was not passive art, though, but active art. He black paint by his foot and Sharpie’s in his hands. The goal was to write on him. For example someone wrote “Come On In à” on his left butt cheek. Not willing to simply observe the fun, I grabbed a Sharpie and went to it. “woot ß” I wrote on his right thigh. I contributed to art. Unfortunately, there is no pictorial evidence of my inscription because 1) I left my phone (with camera) at home and 2) my sister is a prude (so there your second shout out).

On to our favorite topic. American Idol. Four left, which means only a month to go, which means we’re in the home stretch. Then we can prepare for Big Brother’s All Star season which will fill the Reality TV brain space for the summer. Yeah! But, until there – some advice for our finalists. Katherine – stay away from Phil Collins! Forever! Actually, let’s just make that a rule for every AI contestant to grace the stage from now until the show’s demise (which will probably have something to do with Paula’s O.D). And also, keep your clothes on. So, to sum up – Phil Collins = bad, clothes = good! Taylor – no one wants to see you dance the cockroach or wearing shits from Bill Cosby’s closet. I think he’ll probably do fine with Elvis week. Just stand there and sing some soulful shit. Elliot – I will repeat – just stand there and sing some soulful shit. Also, why does he have to wear thick ties when Seacrest gets skinny ties? Just wondering. And finally, Chris. Stop screaming. And, probably stay away from the eyeliner. And, maybe once let us see you try to get down with your funky self. I’m sure it won’t happen, but wouldn’t it be fun to see?

Thursday’s half over, which means 1.5 more days till mint julep drinking. My money’s on Lawyer Ron.


At 12:07 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The man in the red paint smelled bad, or so you said. and he was weird, you could have said something about the good art work that was in that show by the way,

--you stink


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