boredom blog

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

For Those Who Are Bored

And think that there is nothing left to look at on the internet, let me offer two suggestions:

1) (merchandise coming soon - you don't want to be the only one on your block NOT to own a doctor awesome t-shirt.) This site allows you to rank 5 things in terms of awesomeness on a daily basis. Then you get to see where you compare to others in this world as to what you think is awesome. Docaweome also has a fun wikipdedia to which YOU can add. Here's a sample entry:


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In its traditional loose form, it is cereal, and if it is so classified, it may be eaten at a reasonably neutral awesomeness level. In the same form if it is deemed to be Granola, or "Tasty Granola" (which it is not) or even the far more offensive "Yummy Granola" (which is equivalent to a Cuddly Eye-Poke) then a rip in the space-time continuum is opened, into which all awesomeness escapes.

The addition of sweets and goodies and bar-forming creates a candy bar for the self-deluding.

Could also be used to describe the man who sold me a rose bush on Saturday. A self-proclaimed horticulturist, or dirty hippie, he could also be descriped as "Granola."

2) Check out my favorite St. Louis photographer. Her pictures are now available for digital viewing.


At 6:59 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

docawesome beta has officially been plugged. w00t. time to write five more entries.


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