boredom blog

Monday, May 15, 2006

Finally Finales

May sweeps. Finally! The chains holding me to the tv will be broken until Sept. It's kinda a relief, which makes me wonder why I even watch these shows in the first place. That is another questions for another time. After this week full attention will be turned to Kitchen Confidential and then (finally, and only because I promised, Cryptinomicon) at which point all three of you readers can look forward to my book reports, but, until then, let's recap.

The Office - I love this show. I love Jim and Pam, and not only because some people think I look like her (which I don't). I think the main reason I think the Office is so hi-larious is because the issues they deal with are issues that everyone who works a nine-to-five can relate to. Disagreements over temperature control? Check. Forced "family" fun for bosses birthdays? Check. Working with just-plain crazy people? Check. With that in mind, I think this show has become to character and plot driven as opposed to more of a satire of an office enviroment. This show did not need a "Ross-Rachel" relationship. It was funny as it was. When I want to cry, I watch ER. The Office is for laughs.

Grey's Anatomy - The season finale is tonight, so I will just comment on the pre-finale finale for now. I think my bf summed it up quite well by saying "I cannot listen to the hysterical wailing girl on the tv." I think it's interesting that the season finale of ER and Grey's Anatomy both include people getting shot at a hospital. Is this all we can come up with Shondra Rhimes? Come on now. Where's the originality? The creativity? Moreover, I do not believe Dr. Bailey would not have checked on Denny/Izzie given her previous suspiscions about their relationship, even with a room full of people who had been shot. Too much suspension of disbelief. And, finally, this show is starting to remind of when Dawson's Creek (not that I watched it) concentrated on Pacey and Joey and started ignoring Dawson, the title character. The name of the show in question is Grey's Anatomy, not Izzie's Anatomy. To which I say about her relationship with Denny - who cares??

Sopranos - two more eps till the season finale. Dude, how boring can a show get? Something happen already!

At least the Monday night Grey's anatomy will mean I won't be watching Wife Swap tonight. A silver lining for sure.


At 5:24 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

you need to get a life, and i know you are going to be watching Big Brother you nerd.


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