boredom blog

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

An Actual Conversation

That occured between me and the fiance last night:
  • Me - you've seen Sixteen Candles right? It was a fixture movie in my childhood. Jake Ryan and all
  • Fiance - you mean the one where Molly Ringwald goes to the prom and then smokes pot in detention? Then Lloyd Dobbler asks out the foreign exchange student? Those movies were great. Those ones directed by Nick Hornsby.
  • Me - oy.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

***Spoiler Alert*** Why Did Skinny Have to Die?

Last night for my birthday, the bf (which now stands for best fiance) took me to see Step Up. I felt like I was watching a really long episode since the heroine looked just like Joey Potter. Really. Just like her.
It was pretty much what I expected, although the dancing was slightly sub-par compared to other movies of it's genre. The best part of the whole experience was probably the running commentary provided by the three ladies sitting behind us. You're right! He didn't need to be stealing cars anyway!
My thesis for this blog post is ***Spoiler Alert*** "Why Did Skinny Have to Die." Let's also look at You Got Served, which had much better dancing, but they also killed a small black dude in this movie to motivate the defectee dancer to come back to his posse for a dance off which was then dedicated for the small black dude. I have been in many dance performances and no small black dude had to die to encourage me to give it my all on stage. Furthermore, in possibly the best dance movie to hit the screen in recent years, "Centerstage" no small back dudes died. I'm just saying.
And on a different note (pun intended), the bf commented during Rock Star: Supernova last night that the translation to Zayra's song meant "I forgot my shirt." That made me laugh.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

There Really Are Restaurants in the Lou!

I never used to watch the food network. Instead of HGTV it was all MTV. But, since the "nesting" has begun, I have been watching both. Which is not to say that I've been cooking, because I haven't. I like to blame that on not having a complete kitchen, but let's not kid ourselves.

Last night on Road Tasted, Jamie and Bobby Dean traveled to the midwest. They had apple pie at the Blue Owl in Kimmswick, sausage at some place in Hermann and finally meats on the hill. How boring! Seriously, I could not even watch them eat salami. I turned it off. Apparently there's no cooking invovled in cured meats. It's just rubbing a big ham around in salt and letting it sit for 5 weeks. This does not make for interesting tv.

However, I must contend that there is good food in St. Louis. We're not all a bunch of hicks sitting around eating sausage. However, I wouldn't mind dropping in on the Blue Owl, which is halfway anyway to DeSoto, home of the future in-laws. 16 inches of apple pie. Yum!

Friday, August 04, 2006

Just Wondering. . .

I'm sitting here at work punching holes in notes which will evenutally get attached to waterbottles and, strangely enough, listening to NPR. My brain has come up with the following questions:
  1. Why is it ok for us to bomb the hell out of Iraq, but when Irsrael does the same thing we have to be in the middle of the peacekeeping efforts. If we're that against war and don't think it's important for countries to defend themselves against terrorist organizations, then why are we at war to defend ourselves against a terrorist organization?
  2. Why are people defending (and even agreeing with) Mel Gibson? He's a bad man. It's not ok to hate anybody therefore it is not ok to hate Jews!
  3. Why does Carrie Bradshaw have to say "I can't help but wonder. . . " It's ok to wonder. Just say "I wonder. . . "
  4. How long can 61 minutes possibly take to pass??? C'mon 5 o'clock!!!