boredom blog

Friday, September 22, 2006

Oh Man

I forgot how talented Sandra Oh is. Clearly what television has been missing for the past 50 years is an Asian Jew. This may be my favorite element on a TV show EVER! It's totally genius. And, she's such a great actress. She's funny and dramatic all in the same second. I have to admit, I actually watched Arli$$ so I was aware of her existence even before Sideways.

Other observations about Grey's Anatomy, some of which have been mentioned by other bloggers, but I swear I thought this stuff when I was watching it. The ticking noise was very annoying. I think viewers were smart enough to figure out that they were flashbacks. And, about those, the Gnarls Barkely song would not have existed when they were to have been starting. Also, Meredith had blonder hair then.

The only other strange thing about the episode was that Izzy was crying about her "dead fiance." First off, they were engaged for about a day. Secondly, there was a pretty big chance that he was dying, even after that LVAD wire or whatever. Still, I liked the Shiva bit.

I watched The Office too. Didn't enjoy watching Michael Scott kiss Oscar. Not really funny. Just awkward.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Currently Streaming on AOL

New JT album. Detailed comments to come later. . . It's later, and. . . I like it! FutureSex/LoveSounds is a departure from Justified if only because it's less poppy through a combination of hip hop and electronic music. I'm sure I'm reiterating what most reviews have said, but it's really Timbaland who should take credit for the album. JT is a vessel for his creations. True, JT did write and produce as well, but Timbaland really put his unique stamp on the record. FutureSex/LoveSounds is a great way to start the album. It's got a good beat. I can dance too it. Two thumbs up. It's inviting without being over bearing. Clearly by now we're all familiar with Sexy Back. Everytime I hear this I think of Benji and Travis strutting like supermodels. My favorite track is My Love. It's almost, dare I say, poetic and beautiful in its own way. The last couple of songs get to be a little to heavy handed in trying to solve the world's problems and don't necessarily fit in the with vibe of the rest, but overall, I like it! Who wants to hook me up with a copy?

Other music I'm considering owning: Ray LaMontagne, Last Kiss Sountrack. Any other suggestions?

Friday, September 08, 2006

Paging Hank Greenberg

The world is getting weirded by the second. Apparently this really occured. Here's proof.

It's True

You really can learn something new everyday. Take yesterday for example. I was watching Pardon the Interruption (where's Wilbon?) with my brother. The item for discussion - "A Detroit Lions assistant coach was arrested twice in the past two weeks -- once while police say he was driving nude and a week later on suspicion of drunken driving." Here are all the "Hell No" details.

Apparently there is a term for driving nude. "Porky Pigging." How have I lived almost 30 years and never heard this expression? So, now you've learned something new today.