boredom blog

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

So, I haven't blogged about this too much, but I thought today, why not, let's give it a "shot" (ha ha ha). Planning a wedding is very interesting. The fiance and I have made it through some big decisions. We only looked at one venue and decided it was right for us. We tasted several cakes before coming to an easy agreement. When we found the right photographer we both agreed that he should shoot our wedding. Three months into the planning we're at a standstill over two items 1) picking out dishes and 2) the save the date card.

I consider myself lucky that my fiance is so invested in these two items that it's causing difficulties moving forward. Most men wouldn't give a flying patootie about either. In our situation, he's the one who's going to be cooking most of the food that will go on the dishes, so of course he should get a say. And, what graphic designer wouldn't care about their design, especially if it's going out to 177 of your closest friends and family. Apparently, the problems is that I like a little bit of a floral design. Just a little bit. We've yet to find a set of dishes which covers simplicity and interesting. Are you out there dishes? I certainly hope so. Or, we could just take my dad's advice and eat on paper plates.



At 3:04 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dishes are important. I could see taking those seriously, but i hear that mixing random dishes together is interesting. so says the ny times via my mother. That would give you simple and interesting, but you'd be stealing my thing and you couldn't have OCD.

At 12:13 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

I agree with Bob.

Just kiddin.

Actually, I think that less is more re: the plate design and the save-the-date cards. That way the important stuff stands out (i.e. the FOOD, beautiful writing).


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