boredom blog

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Dance Dance Revolution

Clearly I'm hung up on writing about this show. Until Big Brother starts that is. Anyhoo - Before I start picking the dances apart, let me again comment on the format of the show. Why don't the judges assign the dance styles? Or say, everyone can pick tonight between the quick step and the waltz, or hip hop and krump so that they're all compared fairly. They judges are much easier on technical dancers who convert to hip hop than they are to any other style of dancers coverting to another style. Also - keep the cameras still so we can see the dance as the audience does. Finally, back in the day when I used to take dance classes, there was no such thing as contemporary. It was called modern. Is this the same thing? And they're making some of that stuff up. Pop jazz? Whatever!

On to the main event. Brian Friedman is an ass. He's also an ass who was in my aparment senior year of college. He was wearing a green boa. I didn't understand his dislike for Jay-mz and Jessica. I thought they were fine, although I didn't understand why she was wearing a nightgown. I didn't particularly like the choreography, but I'm a big fan of the Frou Frou song via the Garden State sountrack.

My favorite choreography of the night was Heidi and Ryan's Cuban Rhumba. I would LOVED to have seen Donyelle do that dance. I think she would have been awesome. As it was, we were stuck with Heidi's bobblehead. I feel bad for Ryan because I think she sucks. And she talks to much.

My least favorite dance of the night was Travis and Martha. I thought the judges comments were waaaay off. This routine looked like it was straight out of a music video in a bad way. Martha was not dancing. She was prancing around the stage in high heels. Apparently one can not do hip hop in high heels. Travis was actually dancing. I don't buy that Martha was dancing "smooth". She just wasn't dancing.

We'll see who gets kicked off tonight. Probably Aleksandra, but I don't know about the boys. Maybe Ben?

Head over to Sabrina's blog from to check out here take here. Be sure to read the comments for the inside scoop on Ben and Ashlees' number.


At 9:08 AM , Blogger duckyxdale said...

What, no comments on last night's elimination?


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