There's always American Idol. Now, let me first say that last week, while stuffing envelopes at work for 2 straight days, I listened to NPR.
As as aside, this all started because I didn't know what the red line was. I have since learned that the red line was the phone Washington used to communicate with Moscow after the Cuban Missile Crisis. Did ya know that it wasn't actually a phone, more like a telegraph? Well, now you know.
But, back to NPR. People, the world is depressing. Bad things are happening all over the place. I already knew that Wal-Mart is a crap place to work and that the Egyptians don't believe in the Holocaust, like it's some sort of mythical Santa-like creature. I did learn that Sir James Galway is "the man" of flute-playing and I enjoyed the lively discussion on the Oscar nominess (I am so winning the pool this year!). However, I cannot listen day in and day out about how the president is screwing up the country. I already know this. Let's move on to something more entertaining.
I'm currently listening to St. Louis' best mix and they are recapping America's favorite obsession - American Idol. Why do we obsess over this show? I have no idea. I will spend
hours watching this nonesense this week. Dropping two people at a time is ridiculous. After the ladies' performance last night, we all know who's going to end up in the top 6 (I'm not naming names). I have no excuse, but I will share some theories.
At the aforementioned conference I attended, one speaker cited 9/11 as a reason as to why people concentrate on this stupidity. We don't want bad news, we want fun! Secondly, it somewhat reflected the "melting pot" of the country as well as the policital divide. Ruben and Fantasia - blue state. Carrie Underwood - red state. And finally, it's awesome to be able to take the Simon Cowell role and just rip on these people relentlessly with no reprecussions (sorry I yelled at you about that last night mom). We get to judge them! We matter!
In conclusion, I'd like to thank my bf for indulging me in this crap. And, by the way, I know you care who wins! You totally care!
Boredom Blogger. . .out!